Интервью Честера и Раяна Шака для Revolve Clothing
LP - Интервью и статьи - Интервью Честера и Раяна Шака для Revolve Clothing
Recently Chester Bennington from Linkin Park, Ryan Schuck from Orgy, and fellow bandmates Amir Derakh and Brandon Belsky stopped by REVOLVE to shop and talk style.
In between trying on sweet leather jackets and digging through black skinny jeans, we had a chance to ask the fashionable lot a few questions about staying incredibly good looking while on tour.
How would you define your style?
Ryan: Dark lean silhouettes, tight silhouettes, hints of post punk and goth...I dunno what do you think Chester?
Chester: That's like asking somebody what their music sounds like.
Ryan: Ya, it's tricky. I like to look like a couture road warrior like I am a dark conquering general, like Comme des Garcons designed for Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome, that's what we're going for.
Do you have any wardrobe essentials?
Chester: V-neck t-shirts in plain colors with no logos...
Ryan: LnA, they're our girls! Good pair of black jeans that fit and you can wear everyday
Chester:...Chuck Taylors, and a great pair of boots you can wear with everything that you never have to polish.
Ryan: Ya, on tour, I wear the same pair of awesome black boots with a pair of April 77 jeans every single day of the week for three or four months.
What do you take on tour with you?
Chester: I think it kinda changes. On stage its hard to wear stuff that's really dope because for me I'm jumping around a lot, so I need things that move...I also like to pack as little as possible. I used to pack everything, like 20 pairs of shoes and all my pants, then I realized it's a pain. Now I pack as few things as possible that can be mixed and matched with everything else.
Ryan: It's hard because it depends on how long you're going on tour. Sometimes you have to pack for every climate. You have to predict, like if you leave in July and come back in December...
Amir: Even the weather changes from state to state. You can be in the middle of summer and then it's off to somewhere cold. You kind of have to carry a lot of stuff. I actually had a suitcase that I called "the closet," it's a big black heavy duty suitcase that I pack all my extra stuff that I wouldnt wear everyday. So depending on what time of year it is, I might have heavy coats and things like that in there that I know I might not wear every day, but we might go North and it'll be freezing and I still want to look stylish.
Chester: And layers are great if you don't want to lug around a jacket.
Do you have any favorite brands?
Ryan: Attachment, Number Nine, Ann Demeulemeester, Comme des Garcons, LnA, April 77, Corpus is great for every day, Superfine, Ever has great travel clothes cause they're stylish and fit well.
Chester: Ya Ever is great, fits really well. Also Superfine, G Star, Chronicles of Never...
Ryan: With Ever you can wad it up in a ball and sleep on it in an airport, and then it still looks great afterwards.
Chester: Pretty much anything that doesn't need to be ironed and looks good wrinkled. I prefer things looking more distressed, Modern Amusement stuff is great too.
Any embarrassing fashion moments?
Ryan: There's a whole lot...try the last 22 years.
Chester: Ya, just look on the Internet! The thing with fashion is it's usually hit or miss, and when you hit it's awesome and when you miss it's hilarious. I mean, going through my hip hop/punk phase at the same time was pretty hilarious.
Ryan: Some of the early Orgy look for me, I shaved my eyebrows and drew on one. That was f*#$ed up. I put gel in my hair and let it stay gelled so its all PFFT and like I dunno...
Chester: There's some pretty tasty bad fashion moments, most people dont have them documented as much we do. Now, my wardrobe consists of black, gray, army gray, and navy blue. Anything that looks military is a good thing.
Any style advice for all the new bands touring?
Chester: I'd say to all the young bands starting out, beware of the shwag box that you get! What ends up happening is that it's difficult for guys who are just starting out and dont have any money for clothes, and none of the brands that are awesome are just going to give you stuff. So the brands that do give you stuff usually make for those photo shoots that fall in the category of fashion faux pas-everyone in the band is wearing the same skate shirt and hat and shoes and pants because it's free and they send you a lot of it. Just beware and don't fall in the trap!